Telling Stories to Change the World

Telling Stories to Change the World

Telling Stories to Change the World is the title of a book I edited about amazing culture workers and artists around the world who are using their talents to make change in their communities. I received news today that one of those artists was assassinated for his leadership within the Maya community in Guatemala.

Being the Change...

Being the Change...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was deeply inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent civil disobedience movement that helped win India’s independence from England.  Gandhi’s mantra, or guiding slogan, was “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.  That meant not colluding and obeying oppressive and unjust laws.  That meant speaking the truth even when it made others uncomfortable.  It meant not being socially proper, but proper towards all human beings – having a strong sense of ethics and connection to all living things.

Things I am missing about Kabul...

Things I am missing about Kabul...

So, today I am really missing my friends and colleagues in Kabul after two aggravating incidents. Yesterday an entitled and aggressive man sat next to me on the subway and expected/demanded I move over so his companion could sit where I was sitting.  I was confused and wanted to move away from him, so I moved.  Then today, I am walking down the street and another man rams into me and shoves me over with his shoulder.  (This is in Queens, too!)

Kabul Day Two

Kabul Day Two

I have spent two action-packed, exciting, theater-filled days with my new family of 15!  We have 2 women and 13 men representing 3 different theater groups in 3 different cities and provinces.  There are 4 men from Kandahar which is in the south of Afghanistan.  It is close to the border of Pakistan and the “tribal regions”. It is one of the more conservative parts of the country.  Then there are 4 men from Jalalabad,which is in the East. It is also very close to the Pakistani border and has a strong Pashto cultural influence and history.  Finally, there are 3 men and 2 women from Mazar-e-Sharif which is in the very north of Afghanistan. It is close to the border of Uzbekistan.

Off to the Airport

Off to the Airport

I am off to Kabul in 2 hours!! YIKES and YAY!! Right now I’m in an internet cafe in a fabulous Middle Eastern area of London.  I am staring at all the women trying to figure out how they manage to make their head scarves look so elegant and stylish.  I’ve practiced wrapping myself but only manage to look like a granny!  Why didn’t I think of this back in NY where all my beautiful sisters could have given me pointers?!

Update #2 – Hostile Environment Training

Update #2 – Hostile Environment Training

Thanks for your words of support and encouragement.  I couldn’t ask for a warmer, brighter safety blanket.  While you all have my back, I’ve been learning how to address myself and others in any emergency situations like finding myself in a mine field, taking mortar and artillery shelling, getting shot, dealing with an amputated limb, or with an object impaled in someone’s body! Here is a video showing the various simulations we were put through.  

Video Update from Wales

Video Update from Wales

I am now in Wales, about to start my “hostile environments” training course before I head off to Kabul on the 10th.  I’ve spent the last 3 days in London getting to know the BBC Afghan team, seeing friends, and combatting a cold.  I’ve posted a video update. It’s been quite a mental rollercoaster.  One day I am feeling upbeat, looking forward to my trip, the next day I am thinking of all the awful violent images I see on the news, imagining myself in the center of such things.  I was seriously questioning myself, my decision, and my impulse to continually and adamantly unveil hope and goodness from those settings and places our society has placed at the bottom of the heap.  My fear was strong, my strength wavered.

Going to Kabul!

Going to Kabul!

I’ve recently been given a rare and meaningful opportunity to further my work using theater for dialogue and community building, in Kabul, Afghanistan.  I will be working with an organization called the Afghan Education Project, supported by the BBC World Service Trust. I’ll be in Kabul for 12 days training Afghan artists in Theater of the Oppressed techniques and arts and civic engagement practices.  I am so excited to be able to share and learn with Afghan artists and forge connections with new allies who are using the arts to change the world!!